Privacy Policy

WAFAYARA ENTERPRISES FZ-LLC which is a company incorporated in the United Arab Emirates with the registered address FDRK2801, Compass Building, Al Shohada Road, AL Hamra Industrial Zone-FZ, Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates is always committed to maintaining the accuracy, confidentiality and security of all of the personal information which it collects from its customers. Please read the following privacy policy which explains the ways in which the company collects personal information from its customers when they access and use

1. Information we may collect from you

When you interact with the website such as when you register for an account then we will need to collect some personal data from you. This could include but not be limited to:

- Email address
- Date and time of registration
- Source of arrival on the platform
- Country, region and city
- Username and password
- IP address
- Financial information to process orders

Customers may also provide us with information when they contact us or fill in any of the other forms on the website.

2. Cookies and technologies

We use cookies, web beacons and other similar technologies to gather information about the web pages you view as well as the links that you click and other interactions that you may make when visiting the site

Cookies are small text files which are stored by your web browser when you use websites, for more information about how we use cookies or how to change your own preferences about cookies then you will be able to do this in your own browser settings.

3. Why do we collect personal data?

We collect personal data with your consent to be able to provide you with access to the platform and its services as well as contact you about your account and our services. The information which you send to us helps us to tailor the services that we offer for you, but this information can be changed at any time.

4. Rights regarding your data

As a data subject under the rules of GDPR you have a number of rights with regards to your personal data, which include the following:

You have the right to request access to the personal information that we store about you. You may ask for corrections to be made to the information we hold about you if there has been a change in your personal circumstances or for the information to be deleted. You may also ask us to restrict the processing of your personal information as well as being able to object to us processing the information altogether. These rights are in accordance with the General Data Protection Registration. If you would like to make a request in relation to any of these mentioned rights then please get in touch with us and someone will assist you.

5. Data retention period

We retain personal data for as long as the account is active on our systems. In some cases we may need to retain your personal information for longer if we need to comply with legal or professional obligations, enforce any of our agreements or in some cases resolve disputes.

6. Third party websites

We are not responsible for the protection of our customers privacy on websites of any third parties, even if these websites are accessed through our website. We advise all of our customers to carefully review the privacy policies of each of the different websites.

7. Children’s privacy

Our platform is not designed for nor should it be accessed by any children under the age of 18. If a child has provided us with personal data without consent from their parent or guardian then we ask that you get in touch as soon as possible with any information about this that you may have.

8. Security

We have a number of security measures in place to protect all of the personal information which is collected and processed on However, we kindly remind all of our customers that we can not guarantee in its entirety the security of anyone’s personal information when operating online.

9. Disclosure of information to third parties

We may disclose or transmit some of the information that you send to us to third parties such as law enforcement, regulatory or any other government agencies if this has been requested by us.

10. Changes to this privacy policy

We may update this policy from time to time as we continually update and improve the website Please make sure that you refer back to this page on an ongoing basis to ensure that you are familiar with our most up to date privacy practices. If any of this information changes in the future, then we will post these changes here on this page for you to refer back to.

11. Contacts

We’re always available to be contacted and you can reach us on